Cup of Brown Sugar to Grams (cup in gr)

Enter number of Cup or Grams of Brown Sugar (gr) to convert with our calculator:


* You might find discrepancies in number calculations due to round-off errors!
** All values are approximate and may differ from actual ones.

The average value of a cup of brown sugar converted to grams is approximately 220 grams (or 1/2 cup is equal 110 gr, 1/4 cup = 55 gr, 1/3 cup = 73.3 gr, 2/3 cup = 146.6 gr, 3/4 cup = 165 gr). It means:
Grams = cup * 220;
Cups = gr / 220;

It's a bit tricky to get the exact amount during conversion because it also depends on humidity, temperature, or how well the ingredient was packaged. A good way is to measure ingredients by weight to reduce errors.

The table below shows the pre-calculated amount of Brown Sugar in Cups and Grams.

cups gr cups gr
1 220 0.1 22
2 440 0.2 44
3 660 0.3 66
4 880 0.4 88
5 1100 0.5 110
6 1320 0.6 132
7 1540 0.7 154
8 1760 0.8 176
9 1980 0.9 198
10 2200 1 220
11 2420 1.1 242
12 2640 1.2 264
13 2860 1.3 286
14 3080 1.4 308
15 3300 1.5 330
16 3520 1.6 352
17 3740 1.7 374
18 3960 1.8 396
19 4180 1.9 418
20 4400 2 440
21 4620 2.1 462
22 4840 2.2 484
23 5060 2.3 506
24 5280 2.4 528
25 5500 2.5 550